Monday, July 27, 2015

Living with an invisible illness

I know this is a bit of a stray from my normal posts here. But, this subject is very personal for me and, I know, many others.

Many debilitating illnesses and diseases out there can be observed by others whether by symptoms, tools necessary to get by or, even sometimes just by name. People with an oxygen tank, a cast, a bald head and no eye brows all trigger a sympathy and understanding in people. These things legitimize an illness with something we can see. But, many of us are suffering in silence or disbelief on our own because what we battle within ourselves isn't seen by others with outward signs and clues. Whether it's a mental illness like depression, a disease like Lupus, a hormone imbalance like Cushing's Disease or something truly new and not understood yet by the medical community, so many of us a trying to deal with an interrupted life that outwardly no one else can validate. I'm one of those people.

I'd never been happier or more complete. I was finally happy with my physical self. I had my dream husband. We had bought a house, which was a lifelong dream of mine. It was a fixer up, but that was fine. I loved to fix things and this really meant we'd make it our own. About 6 months after we moved in, I got sick. It was bad, like really bad. I still remember the vivid fever dreams I had and the constant hot and cold my body was experiencing at the same time. After being out of work for a week with the bug, I went to the doctor to called it the flu. He gave me some antibiotics for the pneumonia that sounded like it could be developing in my chest and told me to rest.

2 weeks went by and I still felt totally drained. I felt the same mentally and physically weakness and exhaustion that most people experience when the flu just starts to turn around. I felt that groggy, disconnected feeling that you feel with the conflicting day time and night time flu medications. It was generally more like I was taking the night time version during the day.

I had no choice but to return to work. Sitting at my desk trying to focus was like trying to play chess with a hangover after a red eye flight and 3 hours of sleep. I'd find myself not really reading the words in front of me but just following lines of text left to right, losing track of the purpose. My eyes were so heavy I'd doze off. All of my breaks were spent napping. I'd get home and fall asleep almost immediately for a few hours. I'd get up, eat, shower and go to bed for the night. During the times that I was pushing myself to do physical things, my muscles would quickly give out, rendering themselves useless.  I likened it unto the old fashioned punishment were someone was forced to hold buckets of water out at arms lengths for long periods of time. When you put the buckets down, you muscles are just exhausted and unable to function properly. But, this was my whole body. My chest began to hurt. It felt like I had an elephant sitting on it most of the time. This made it feel like like the littlest most basic tasks were a rigorous workout, causing my heart and lungs to overwork themselves.

I spent over a year complaining about these ailments to my multiple doctors, who in the interim, prescribed me loads of antidepressants and anti anxiety pills and referred me to specialists that made zero sense to me. First, they put my a trial of every anti depressant in the book. Despite me telling them that I still wanted to to participate in the things I enjoyed and that I wasn't avoiding them. They were sure this was just a simple case of the blues. Next, I was put on ambien. My body didn't seem to know when it was time to sleep and when it was time to wake up. So, they figured I was getting proper sleep and proper times. The ambien should fix that. Then, they did a slew of EKGs and pulmonary tests because of the chest pain I was experiencing. My heart rate was really elevated, but everything read fine. They were convinced the chest pain and difficulty breathing was actually an anxiety disorder. So, they put me on depressants. They tried Clonopin and Valium. I hated those. They made me even more tired and did absolutely nothing for the pain and pressure in my chest. Sometimes they helped me not care about it, but there were still periods of hours, if not days, of the sensation that didn't cease.

Finally, they made a diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. They really hesitated, but they put me on stimulants usually intended to treat ADHD and I began to feel like myself again. At least there was an improvement. After just over a year at the maximum legal dosage of Amphetamine, there was a drastic shortage for the drug on the market. Being without it was hell. I was unable to stay awake or do anything. I was sleeping about 18 hours a day in total if not more.

I was switched over to Vyvanse and again gained back a fair ability to live. This seemed like a miracle for a couple years. When I started growing a tolerance to this, my doctor went back to thinking this was a psychological issue. Despite their diagnosis, the doctor was questioning my symptoms, my experience at life. I felt ignored. I felt devalued. I felt crazy. I tried a couple other doctors, knowing my doctor should care not just for me but about it. They refused to prescribe the medications I HAD to have to just function at all.

Meanwhile, I'm losing the ability to care for myself. My health and even hygiene are suffering because of the physical limitation I'm now experiencing. I have to avoid driving because of my tendency to be so tired. I can't stand for any length of time, let alone walk or exert myself without feeling light headed, dizzy and like my heart is going to leap out of my chest. I'd even gone to the ER with severe chest pain.

The ER doctor legitimized my experience, stating that I seemed to have an auto immune disease, but nothing life threatening so she couldn't do anything further.  There was inexplicable swelling in my chest around my heart and lungs, but she didn't know why. When I went back to my GP as a follow up, he told me that figuring out what was going on with me was 'beyond his pay grade'.

Because no one can quantify or justify how I'm feeling, they won't help me address it. Because there are no tests, cure, medication or even treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, it's a truly invisible disease. Many doctors don't know about the disease or are misinformed about it. It wasn't even until very recently that the CDC has recognized the disease and in an attempt to have it taken more seriously renamed the disease as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.

Despite it becoming more recognized in the medical community, the general population still doesn't get it. They think it's a PC term for lazy or tired. I can't even count how many times I've tried to explain my disease to someone and they've said they think they might have it too or that they get that way sometimes. Generally, they think it's a bullshit excuse given by lazy, fat people.

My own family doesn't understand or believe my diagnosis. They believe it's laziness. They believe I'm being tested by God or am cursed or even possessed. They constantly remind me that if I were to refuse to be tired, prayed and read the Word, I'd be fine. They think I just need to push through and get off my ass. They tell me to go to bed earlier, quit relying on the poisons the doctors prescribe and get right with God. My own flesh and blood invalidate my experience and suffering because they can't see it. They can't quantify it was a positive test and a clean spirit.

I think a big part of the stigma and disregard for the disease is the original name. CFS is so much more than not having energy/ feeling fatigued. That's something every human being faces, especially with age. But, when it's mental and physical and nothing helps - no amount of sleep, naps, caffeine, vacations recharge your batteries, it's more. It's debilitating. No joke, no exaggeration, debilitating. There are now ALWAYS things I can't physically do without collapsing and the risk of cardiac event. I can't walk my dogs. I can't exercise. I can't clean. I can't do anything that elevates my heart rate. Not I don't want to or I don't like to. I can't, as in it's not an option. Often, I can't focus. I can't move much and sitting still makes me both stir crazy and sleepy. I have a very hard time staying awake or focusing on a movie or book.

Living with this disease is like being in solitary confinement, in prison inside yourself. I feel trapped inside myself all the time. Losing my ability to do so many things, I'm reliant on a small handful of people that love me and care. I can see their frustration, and sometimes even, disbelief in what I'm experiencing. I don't blame them. I've always been independent. I don't like people doing things for me. It makes me feel weak; like a failure. But, I am. I've become a burden to those that I love with little to nothing to offer in return.

Being unable to live your life, to be a burden and disappointment to others and all because of something invisible, something unquantifiable is hell. It's extremely excluding and lonely.

It's not just me and not just CFS/ME sufferers. So many people suffer in silence of diseases that you can't see or relate to. We don't question the existence or presence of other planets and galaxies or magnets or gravity. We can't see them. Most of us can't explain them in any real capacity, but we validate them. We don't question them.

Next time you meet someone, even talk to someone with an invisible illness, don't invalidate them. If you haven't been diagnosed with the same, don't try to relate your everyday life to their experience unless it's with pure sympathy and pity. Otherwise, it feels like your experience with an invisible disease is little, minor things. Please be a decent human being; ask if there's anything you can do to help. Ask them if they want to talk about it and just listen- without advice.Those with invisible illnesses are usually suffering alone. But, we are suffering, whether you see it or not.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Different Hyaluronic Acid Option

I'm all about Hyaluronic Acid these days. (Seriously?! What took me so long to try this stuff?) But, one product doesn't work for everyone and everyone needs a little Hyaluronic Acid in their lives. In an effort to make this so, I give you another option for your beauty arsenal: 180 Cosmetics Pure Swiss Hyaluronic Acid Serum with Vitamin C.

As always, here's what the manufacturer says about the product:

  • CONTAINS THE HIGHEST CONCENTRATION OF THE ABSOLUTE BEST QUALITY SWISS HYALURONIC ACID AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET- enriched with natural ingredients and vitamin C for maximum results. Also contains powerful antioxidants that protect skin from free radicals
  • REVERSE THE SIGNS OF AGING WITH THE NEWEST 180 COSMETICS PURE SWISS HYALURONIC SERUM + VITAMIN C THAT HAS TAKEN THE WORLD BY STORM! Watch this truly revolutionary serum reverse the signs of aging right before your eyes, as it restores skin's elasticity and leaves it looking and feeling smooth, supple, and rejuvenated.
  • FOR AGES 40 AND ABOVE - we also recommend using the 180 Cosmetics Pure Swiss Hyaluronic Serum or cream + Peptides, for maximum results.
  • CHECK OUT OUR NEW PRODUCTS: Hyaluronic Serum + Oxygen, Hyaluronic Serum + Peptides, and Hyaluronic Cream + Peptides for a Smoother, Younger Looking Neckline and Decolletage.
  • WHY YOU NEED TO CHOOSE 180 COSMETICS? Because you deserve to get the best possible results!!

I love this ingredient because it works. How it's delivered and what it's combined with can be tailored to meet anyone's needs. The fact that this is a serum means that you need very little of it to be effective and it's going to moisturize deep down. Others offer it a variety of forms from a gel to thick cream. But, the serum is the best bet for most. I'd say the gel or lotion forms are best for women under 40 and the serum is best for anyone over 40 or with really dry skin.

The 180 version came in a pretty small bottle. I'd say a little bigger than my thumb. But, a little goes a long way with serum, so don't let size fool you. You use a dropper to dispense the serum. Personally, I'm not a fan of droppers for anything. My hands are shaky and I'm clumsy. I'm worried I'll knock the little bottle over and lose all preciousness inside. I think a pump option would be best.This is just me though. 

The serum is light, smooth and absorbs quickly into the skin, making it ideal for bed or under makeup. 

The Vitamin C added to this really makes the skin glow and look radiant. They're an amazing compliment to each other for really youthful, energized skin. And, it's not just while it's applied. It's improving skin overall, from within. It's not some false advertising stuff that just temporarily tightens your skin. 

I liked this stuff so much that I had to share it with someone. Who better than my beautiful mother? She was really impressed with it as well. She really liked using it as a light primer under her mineral foundation. She said her skin felt firmer after just one use. She's already planning on buying more.

So, if you want to try Hyaluronic Acid without spending a small fortune and have over 40 or dry skin, this is definitely the way to go.  

**I was given this product free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion and review**

Anaiti Eye Gel

I have my dad to thank for the ever present dark circles under my eyes, Since my mid 20s, I've been constantly asked if I'm 'tired' or 'feeling well' or accused of partying a bit too much. Nope, just genes. 

I hate the circles. They do nothing but age me and make me look run down. I've tried a bin full of products to try and combat this issue. Some of them you've seen reviews about right here. 

I was asked to try Anaiti Eye Gel and give my honest opinion after using it. I'd used their Luminous Serum and it was like a miracle. Needless to say, I had high expectation for this stuff. Here's the run down.

Here's what the manufacturer says about the product:
AN ADVANCED EYE GEL NOT JUST FOR CELEBRITIES!- Is the area around your eyes losing its firmness?
- Dark circles, puffiness, bags under your eyes?
- Crow's feet?
ANAITI'S EYE GEL CAN HELPThe area around the eyes needs a special kind of facial care because the skin is thinner and more delicate. It's also where most people look when they meet others.
unique formula of cutting edge ingredients:
MATRIXYL - stimulates collagen-producing fibroblasts to keep your skin smooth and reduces wrinkle depth by 68%.
HALOXYL - helps thicken the skin and found to reduce dark circles/puffiness by over 60% in just over a month.
EYELISS - a mix of three active peptides reduces swelling and boosts firmness/elasticity.
HAILED AS AN ANTI-AGING POWERHOUSE!Research shows our blend of patented skinceutical ingredients can improve the look of skin surrounding the eyes. Our customers love Anaiti!
** Imagine a younger looking YOU **
RESPECTED RESULTS - OUR PRODUCT RIVALS SIMILAR ALTERNATIVES - IT IS SIMPLY SUPERIOR!TRY OUR REVOLUTIONARY ADVANCED EYE GEL TODAYIn a clinical study of 20 volunteers with chronic bags under their eyes, 65% showed a visible reduction after 28 days, and 70% showed measurable improvement after 56 days.
In an ERSP post-clinical trial survey of Eyeliss, 62% of volunteers believed their eye contours were smoothed and 52% felt reductions in the bags under their eyes.
OUR GUARANTEEWe stand by our Advanced Eye Gel's quality, we offer a 100% Money-Back Guarantee!

So, it's supposed to address all the major cosmetic eye concerns we have with aging. Sounds great!

First, I was bit surprised that this product arrived in a pump instead of the tub as pictured. I had to do a bit of a double take to make sure I had received the right item. The pump dispensed out more than I expected or needed. Personally, with an eye product, I'd prefer the tub so that I have more control over the amount I use. A pump has the benefit of not actually touching the product, keeping it more sanitary for eye use. But, the tub is my personal preference. 

The gel was slightly opaque, odorless and very smooth. I applied it with my ring finger as  I do all products around my eye. It didn't cause any irritation or tenderness to my uber sensitive orbitals, which is a perk. But, it felt sticky. I tried applying less and less, but the sticky wouldn't go away. I suppose that doesn't matter during the night, but it wasn't possible to allow it to absorb and apply makeup over it during the day. 

It did seem to moisturize fairly well and was easy to use. But, I can't say I noticed a difference in either the circles or the fine lines I'm now getting in my 30s. 

Given the price point and the success I've had with other Anaiti products, I had high hopes and expectations. This one missed the mark for me. 
  • #EyeCream

**I received this product free of charge in exchange for my experience and honest review**

Friday, June 26, 2015

Rose Hips Don't Lie

Beauty oil is everywhere lately and there's so many different kinds it's hard to know which is good for what and how much they're worth. 
The go to tends to be good 'ole Argan Oil. But, my success with the stuff has been minor at best. I know a  lot of people swear by it, but it walked a fine line with me on how much to use where. I was always applying too much or too little. 
I recently heard about rose hip oil. Rose hip oil is 'full of vitamins, antioxidants and essential fatty acids that are known to correct dark spots and hydrate dry, itchy skin, all while reducing scars and fine lines.' It can also be used in hair. 
I tried GoPure Naturals Rosehip Oil.

GoPure Rosehip Oil - $13.91

I was really surprised at how large the bottle was. That and given the price it was a great value. For some reason, I expected it to smell like roses or at least be sweet smelling. It smelled a bit nutty and mostly green. The scent was very light and didn't last though. There wasn't much with regards to usage directions on the bottle, but that seems to be the case in most beauty oils these days. 
I tried this product on skin, scars and hair. I have extremely sensitive skin that's very dry. I was really impressed with how quickly this absorbed into my skin and it actually didn't leave the greasy, slick feeling other oils have. It moisturized and did it's job quickly. I wasn't able to see any improvement in discoloration or scar appearance, but I didn't expect to in such a short time. 
I had some correspondence with the manufacturer and they really believed in and had pride in their product, which says a lot to me. It's made with love and excitement.
I definitely now much prefer this rosehip oil to any of the Argan Oils I've tried in the past. It's much more forgiving in it's usage, it's more affordable and it absorbs quickly. If you'd had poor experiences with other beauty oils or you're wanting to try them, this is definitely the way to go. 
For more info on GoPure Rosehip Oil:
*I received this product free of charge in return for my honest opinion and review.*

Monday, June 22, 2015

3D Fiber Mascara. Fab or Flop?

Like many of you ladies, I've seen the before and after pictures on our friends pages showing every day 'before lashes' and super plump, full 'after lashes' and been instantly jealous. Then, I click the link and see the price tag and quickly close the window. The whole trend started with the Younique and boasted a $29 price tag. Quickly, knockoffs showed up from over seas at much lower rates. I picked up one of those and I saw decent results, but the flaking made it impossible to actually wear. I thought I needed practice and tried it about 10 times, with no improvement.

I was given Mia Adora 3D Fiber Lash Mascara to try in return for my honest review.

Running about $7 less than the original, I'll take any savings I can get, but the price is still a bit steep in my mind. I really likes the lovely packaging. It also smelled better than the other brand I had tried. I followed the directions to a T. Although my lashes weren't quite as full as they were with the other brand, they didn't flake nearly as much. The only benefit I saw from the knock off that would have benefited here was a deeper, darker black in the Step 1 & 3 tube. Some may really like that the results are slightly more subtle, but more believable with this brand. 

Overall, I think it's a great entry fiber lash mascara to try when you're look isn't quite kardashianesque. Perhaps it's just me, but with all fiber lash mascaras I have an issue with flaking and absolutely can't use it while wearing contacts. This mascara does make a pretty dramatic and lovely difference in your lashes without going over the top. It's a look that could be worn to work or to dinner with your S.O.

*I was given this product free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion and review*

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Forlan Skincare Hyaluronic Acid Serum Review

I have super sensitive, problem skin. I'm at that fun age where I have pimples and I'm wrinkles. I've tried everything short of Accutane and my doctor recommended I try Hyaluronic Acid years ago. But, everything else that had the word 'acid' in it resulted in irritation and burning. So, I blew it off.
Forlan and Tomoson requested I try and review their Hyaluronic Acid and I was surprised by the results.

According to the manufacturer, here's what makes it up:
Deionized Water, Sodium Hyaluronate, Aloe Barbadensis Juice, Phenoxyethanol, Witch Hazel Extract, Acrylates/C 10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, MSM, Potassium Sorbate, Tocopheryl Acetate (vitamin E), Sodium Hydroxide,Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate (vitamin C), Lavender Oil, L-Arginine, Retinyl Palmitate (vitamin A), Cholecalciferol (vitamin D).

The bottle is actually much larger than it looks. I really appreciated that it was a pump and not a dropper. It made it a lot easier to use. The serum itself was a bit thin and smelled a bit like alcohol. The consistency was more like a gel than a serum. But, I think this was actually better for people in my age group. It allowed it to absorb more quickly and it's overly rich for my pimples with wrinkles skin. I also have extremely sensitive skin and there was absolutely no adverse affect from using the Forlan Hyaluronic Acid.

After just a few days, I really did see a marked improvement in my skin. Particularly my neck. The early 'chicken skin' that begins to take over around 30 was much smoother. The fine lines and darkness around my eyes was diminished. The consistency also for it to be beneficial under makeup. It wasn't oily at all and didn't interfere with foundation.

Overall, I think this a great, valuable product for people about 26-40. It's not overly powerful or oily, which those over 40 may need. It's an incredible first step to an anti aging regimen.

*I was given this product free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion and review.*

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Review: Nutriscal Hair Growth Vitamins

Beauty comes from within....

We've all heard this or something like this at some point. And, it makes sense. Health is something more than how we feel, it's how we look. I recently removed the black from my hair and with it, a lot of the 'health' that my hair had. When Tomoson and Nutriscal asked me to try and review their vitamins for hair health I was thrilled! Here's what I learned:

                                                Nutriscal Hair Growth Vitamins $39.95

The claim:
Nutriscal is a professionally formulated hair growth product for women and men of all ages that is designed to promote existing hair growth and support healthy, vibrant hair. Our lab team combined 24 of the most powerful hair growth vitamins available to create a hair growth pill unlike any other.

The ingredients:
Vitamin A (10,000 IU), Vitamin C (250mg), Vitamin E (12 IU), Vitamin B-1 (30mg), Vitamin B-2 (100mg), Niacinamide (30mg), Vitamin B-6 (100mg), Folic Acid (400mcg), Biotin (2000mcg), Pantothenic Acid (250mg), Calcium (200mg), Zinc (5mg), Copper (1mg), Choline Bitartrate (250mg), Silica (bamboo 70% extract : 40mg), Inositol (250mg), Para-aminobenzoic acid (100mcg), L-Cysteine (100mcg), MSM (50mg), Ginkgo Biloba (30mg), Saw Palmetto (250mg), Pygeum Africanum (100mg), Green Tea Extract (50mg), Grape Seed Extract (50mg). 
I was a bit confused reading the ingredients. Some of the ingredients seem a bit like filler there since you'd find them in a regular multi vitamin or there's not much to support it's efficiency in hair and scalp health or hair growth. I was also really surprised not to see any fatty acids there. These are crucial in hair and skin health, yet they're omitted from the ingredients here. You also need to be really careful taking these along with other supplements and vitamins because there's a risk of taking too much, which can have some negative health effects.

The pills are also very large. I don't have a problem with pills. But, these are really big and, being solid, a bit hard to swallow. 

Still, I diligently tried the supplement for 2 weeks hoping to restore my hair to it's shiny luxurious former self. 

I had weird burps for a few hours after taking these. I would definitely recommend taking them with food. I suspect that perhaps the zinc is the cause of this. I also can't say that I noticed any improvement in the health of my hair or scalp, nor any increase in growth after the 2 weeks. Perhaps, 2 weeks just isn't enough. I took it another week, though not quite as adamantly, but still noticed nothing.

For nearly $40, I expected more from a supplement. Overall, I sadly found the supplement large, lacking and ineffective. I would stick to a good multi vitamin and fatty acids in the future. 

***I was given this product free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion and review***

Argan Oil: Miracle or Hype?

If you haven't heard of Argan Oil, I'm pretty sure you've been living under a rock. It's touted as a miracle beauty oil for every part of the body and every skin type. But,with that popularity, the market is over saturated with options and you never know what you'll get. 

According to this stuff is amazing for:

1. Nighttime Moisturizer2. Skin Toner3. Exfoliating4. Acne5. Stretch Marks6. Razor Bumps and Burn7. Whole-Body Moisturizer8. Leave-In Conditioner & Styling 9. Overnight Deep Conditioning Treatment10. Lip Conditioner11. Nails12. Dry Feet and Heels
Personally, I've tried 2 brands. The first I got at a natural herbal/vitamin store. It was listed as 100% pure and cost a pretty penny. It had to be liquid gold, right? I hated it. It made my hair greasy, my skin break out and didn't absorb at all into my hands and nails.

So, when Tomoson and Uni asked me to try their Argan Oil, I was a bit 'meh' about the idea. But, Uni seemed a bit different and I was excited to give it a try. Here's what they have to say about their product:
Our fast absorbing light weight oil is smooth, and NON greasy compared to other brands.Highest quality of oil production, it is cold pressed and unroasted. Comes rich in Vitamin E (Tocopherols) and Omega 6 (Linolenic Acids).NO strong odors. Our 100% organic Argan oil has a light nutty smell and is fragrance free.USDA and ECOCERT certification means high purity and authentic.Can be used on sensitive and non-sensitive skin to reduce age spots and boost skin tones.Manufactured in the Kingdom of Morocco and Packaged in the USA.UNi Argan Oil comes in a beautiful smooth dark glass bottle with easy access dropper.UNi Argan Oil are manufactured and bottled throughout the year to ensure freshness and quality. Manufactured date is printed on every bottle with a shelf-life of 36 months.
The bottle was a lot larger than the one I previously purchased, and thus a much better value. I immediately noticed a difference in the texture of the oil. It was much more of a 'dry oil' than the other I had tried. There wasn't a strong scent, but there was a slight 'nutty' odor to the oil. (which makes sense since Argan is in the nut family) As directed, I applied a few drops in my hands and rubbed them together. This time, the oil really seemed to warm up noticeably. It actually felt like it had a warming effect. I applied it to my feet, legs, elbows, neck and hair. It absorbed, but not quickly. The really dry areas of skin didn't seem to absorb as well and felt a bit greasy for awhile, but I suspect that some good exfoliation prior to applying it would help that. The next morning, I would know if it had promise.

Waking up, the oil had finally absorbed completely. My legs and feet were soft. My neck didn't care too much for the oil and was a bit broken out, but it may have just been a bit too much for my crazy sensitive skin there. My hair was softer, but it still seemed frizzy and the ends were a bit dry. 

I tried the regimen again the next few nights. I added a couple extra drops to my hair and it seemed better but not miraculously perfect. So, I added a couple more. Following this increase in application, my hair looked really really greasy. So, there's definitely a fine line in how much to use of it. In fact, that's the only thing I have negative to say about the Uni Argan Oil. I really wish there was some kind of guide on the bottle as to how much to use on hair, skin, face, etc. Even just a starting point would be nice. I suppose everyone is different. But it would be nice to know if you need 3 drops or the entire dropper. 

I tried using the Uni Argan Oil in different way with different results. I added a few drops to my conditioner in shower prior to application (which seems to be the best option for my fine hair). I added it to my spray in detangler and it was greasy looking. I added it to the bath water but didn't really notice a difference. I added it to lotion and it seemed to amp up the lotions staying power and benefits. If you're going to try it on dry hair, use it sparingly or it'll look dirty.

Overall, I much preferred the Uni Argan Oil to the other I had tried. After my experience, I think it's best used a supplement to beauty but not a miracle catch all for everyone in every way. The Uni was a superior product and better value. 

More info on Uni Argan Oil:
***I received this product for free for my honest and unbiased opinion and review.***

Monday, April 27, 2015

Satellite Review

Grant Bradley was never meant to survive cancer or live happily ever after with his fiancée, Tate. Before he was born, his destiny to become a guardian angel was decided by the life-planning Schedulers.
Despite having what his new peers deem as a great position in the afterlife, living in utopia with a merciless mentor and looking after strangers doesn't change the way Grant feels about losing out on his life with Tate. Refusing to accept his destiny, he finds a way to visit his lost love. However, keeping their connection alive and, most importantly, secret, will end up costing Grant more than he could ever imagine.

This is the Amazon synopsis of the first of the Satellite Series. I admit, even over 30, I have a major guilty pleasure for YA books. I had my likes and dislikes with this first installment. First, the likes. I really liked that this story was told from the perspective of male with deep feelings of love. It was told in an extremely realistic way of deep caring, affection and inherit protectiveness I think men experience in love. The concept was also new. I've read the Fallen series and upon reading the synopsis, I must admit, it's what I was expecting. However, the author had a much more modern and not at all religious take on the guardian angel idea as well as everlasting love.  All together, the writing, concept and story were quite original which made it a joy to read.

There were some minor shortfalls in the book however. I get that this book is aimed at the young adult audience, but we're also supposed to be in the mind of a young man that experienced a lot in his life and is planning on marriage. I'm sure his thoughts, vocabulary and naivety would be much more advanced and less PG than they are related in the book. In that aspect, it could have been more realistic and 'juicy', which I think would have made it a bit more engaging. The methods and terminology of the satellites is a bit hard to follow. I had a hard time following the differences between 'coding', 'programming', etc. The lines became a bit blurred in what was intended with these functions unless they were experienced first hand by the narrator. Lastly, I felt that there was a very natural progression to the story until the last quarter of it. It was as if the story was intended to end at the end of this book and a decision to make it a series changed the flow suddenly and abruptly. It tied up the loose ends well and left me wanting more, but it felt forced and sudden.

The next in the series is set to be told by Willow, the main character's main influence and mentor, picking up trying to save Tate, the main character's long lost (and forgotten) love. Although the second book will not have the appeal of being told from the perspective of a young male in love, I am hooked on the original story line and look forward to seeing where this series goes.

***I was given a copy of this book for free for my honest opinion and review.***

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Elite Fat Burner Review

Vitamin Elite Elite Fat Burner $24.95 on Amazon

There are probably over a million 'diet' pills and supplements out there. Heck, I've probably tried half of them. We're all looking for this magic bullet to make us thin, energized and beautiful. That's what most of the 'diet' pills out there sell and what they focus their ingredients on. But, why don't they ever focus on the inside out?

I always do my research on ingredients of vitamins and supplements before I take them and, in all honesty, I didn't expect to find anything new or different in Elite Fat Burner when they and Tomoson asked me to review the supplement. BUT, I was really surprised about what I found. Here's a list of the ingredients in Elite Fat Burner:
Caffeine Anhydrous, Xanthinol Nicotinate, Codonopsis Pilosula Extract, Green Tea Leaf Extract, White Tea PE 50% Polyphenols, Inositol Hexaphosphate, Evodia rutaecarpa PE, Black Pepper PE 95% (Bioperine), Deanol Acetamidobenzoate (DMAE), Troxerutin (Sophora Japonica extract), Cnidium Monnieri (20% Osthole), Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco PE 0.3% Alkaloids, InulaRacemosa PE (2% Alantolactones), White Willow Bark PE 25% Salicin, Yohimbe PE 8% Yohimbine HCl

I'm really into natural remedies, as you know from my blog. So, I was amazed to see so many ingredients here that weren't focused on just hyping you up and making you feel jumpy all to lead to a crash. Yes, there are some stimulants in here. The first ingredient is caffeine. But, there's a lot more. Let's break them down:

Caffeine Anhydrous: Caffeine, a stimulant found in coffee, tea and soda.
Xanthinol Nicotinate: A vasodilator frequently used in weight lifting. However, it has had some beneficial documentation on blood pressure, lipid-lowering effects. It may also have benefits of memory enhancement or ulcer recovering.
Codonopsis Pilosula Extract: Similar to ginseng. Used to promote mental health and has some immune system benefits
Green Tea Leaf: A mild stimulant that helps purge the body of toxins and cleanse the system
White Tea PE: Fights free radicals in the body
Inositol Hexaphosphate: An anti-cancer supplement
Evodia rutaecarpa PE: Thermogenic that increases body temperature.
Black Pepper PE: Aids in the absorption of nutrients
DMAE: Anti-aging supplement that also has great benefits for mental health and cognition
Sophora Japonica: Benefits the blood and fights free radicals.
Cnidium Monnieri and Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco PE: Used as natural 'Viagra"
InulaRacemosa PE: Regulates corticosteroids, helps regulate blood sugar and thyroid levels
White Willow Bark PE: Similar to asprin, used to treat aches and pains
Yohimbe and Yohimbine HCl: Stimulant used to treat sexual dysfunction and aid in depression.

Please keep in mind people, I'm not a doctor. Just an enthusiast. This kind of info is available online. I'm not here to diagnose or treat anything or anyone.

Interesting results to say this least. This doesn't read like a diet pill. There's some stimulants and a thermogenic. But, the ingredients are beneficial on so many other levels. It's almost more like a health tonic, aiming to help you from the inside out.

That's exactly why I liked it. Unfortunately, I got very ill in the two weeks I was trying this product (in no way related to the product itself) so I can't fairly say whether or not it causes weight loss or burns fat. But, I do really like what I see here in the ingredients.

As for the pills themselves, they're a bit large and almost look like they're filled with blood. The insides almost look like a jel. Personally, I found them easy to swallow. There was no odor associated with them either.

I was impressed by this stuff. If you're looking to lose weight or get a general health lift in addition to your multivitamin, give the Elite Fat Burner a try.

***I was given the Elite Fat Burner free of charge by Vitamin Elite and Tomoson in return for my honest opinion and review of the product. I was not paid or otherwise compensated for this. The opinions expressed above are solely mine.***

Monday, April 20, 2015

Review of Life Food's Garcinia Cambogia

I'm a huge fan of the natural alternatives in health care. I know that they aren't regulated by the FDA and there isn't much recognized and accepted research on them, but pharmaceutical drugs are based on the core elements of things that occur naturally.

Like most women I know, especially those over 30, I have plenty of weight I'd love to shed. So, when a natural method to help curb my appetite and help me "just say no" to sweets and junk food comes along, I'm more than game to try it.

Garcinia Cambogia has been everywhere lately. It's this years Glucomannan along with Coleus Forskolin. But, does it work? Tomoson along with Life and Food asked me to give their Garcinia Cambogia Supreme a try and share my experience.

First, here's a little background on Garcinia Cambogia straight from :
Garcinia cambogia, a tropical fruit also known as the Malabar tamarind, is a popular weight-loss supplement. People say it blocks your body's ability to make fat and it puts the brakes on your appetite. It could help keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check, too. You'll find it in bottles on the shelf at the store as well as mixed with other ingredients in diet products...The active ingredient in the fruit's rind, hydroxycitric acid, or HCA, has boosted fat-burning and cut back appetite in studies. It appears to block an enzyme called citrate lyase, which your body uses to make fat. It also raises levels of the brain chemical serotonin, which may make you feel less hungry.
Sounds great. And, didn't a certain doctor guarantee it would cause weight loss?

Food & Life Garcinia Cambogia $22.00 from Amazon

Well, I tried Life and Food's Garcinia Cambogia for 2 weeks. The pills are a bit on the large size. Those that have a hard time swallowing something large will need to take them one at a time with a full glass of water. Thankfully, they have very little odor.

I can't say that I saw much difference. The scale didn't move. I did, however, notice that my hard core cravings had diminished. They still nagged me, but weren't yelling at me to try this and that. Overall, this product isn't a magic bullet for weight loss. It even suggests that it be used along side with diet and exercise. It does work great at taking that edge off of hunger and cravings, which might be exactly what you need to lose to weight.

***I was given this product free of charge from Tomoson and Food & Life in return for my honest opinion. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Dessange California Blonde Review

Last year, I traded in my raven locks for my natural dark ash blonde and it's been a challenge ever since. In order to go back to natural, we had to strip and bleach my hair, leaving it damaged. My hair also has some kind of identity crisis going on because it just wants to be red. Like...A lot. With the damage, my hair also protested the change by refusing to hold any other color to tone it or even it out. It's been a battle to say the least. So, when I was notified I was going to get to try the Dessange California Blonde line via Influenster, I was thrilled. Could this be the answer to my hair prayers?

My current routine has involved using an organic, sulfate free shampoo and Redken Extreme conditioner, followed by weekly deposit only toning of my hair to keep from looking like a penny. It's a never ending, time sucking, expensive battle to look natural. I've tried the purple shampoos and ash intensifying add ins and they all ultimately just made my hair darker for a week.

My first use of the shampoo and conditioner here was decent enough. Then, I noticed an increasing amount of broken hair in the bathtub. I have fine hair as it is, I can't lose it! My ends were feeling really dry and it was snagging and knotting a lot. It looked shiny and healthy, but it felt like straw. So, I checked out the ingredients. Silicones, silicones and oh hey! SILICONES. It was even in the shampoo.

If you know anything about hair, it's like wood. It's porous. It needs oils to stay strong and healthy and glowing. Once either has been exposed to the environment, chemicals, or say, LIFE, they wear down. With wood, you sand it down all the old clear junk on the surface and oil it down or you maintain the woods natural oil. If you coat it in some clear coat, the oil can't penetrate it and keep it healthy and whole. The good stuff just wipes right off and the wood beneath just goes dull. The same can be said about hair. If you coat it in silicones, you seal it. Nothing gets in or out really. That's fine now and then. But, doing it all the time starves your hair, preventing it from absorbing the nutrients it needs to stay strong. So, it breaks.

No wonder it looked shiny and felt unhealthy. It was just covered in silicone. I didn't find anything spectacular about the shampoo or conditioner. I felt they missed a great opportunity here in not addressing the things bleached blondes need. (And that's precisely who these products are aimed at) They really should have added some truly nourishing ingredients in these and at least backed off the silicone and sulfates. I'm not an all organic, natural kind of gal. Those that are, more power to you. I get that there's some great man made things out there that I can benefit from. But, there's also a bigger, longer term picture to think about. Although they were decent for the short term, I couldn't even consider a long term relationship with these. It wasn't going to happen with my fine, damaged and dry hair.

The color corrector is AMAZING. If you ever want to balance out or tone a color, take a look at a color wheel:
To tone one color out or down, just add it's opposite on a color wheel. For the most part, this is most effective in the basic colors (red, yellow, blue) Most blonde color correctors on the market are green or purple. That's fine if you need to tone out really red or yellow tones, but what if the tone you need to address is a secondary color? The most common "brassy" tone is blondes is orange. What's the opposite of orange, class? BLUE! Right! So, why aren't they available for the savvy, home colorist? How has this missed the mark for so long? You can even go to your local beauty supply and you'll have a heck of a time finding this. But, Dessange did it and they made it available at TARGET. Yes. You read it Target.

Now that we're over the science and analogy portions for the day, here's my experience with the Dessange Color Corrector.

It came in a easy to use, messless tube. There was no cap to come off where I'd have to try and messily pick it up with slippery blue fingers. It was just a small click. It was a fairly thick consistency that I applied to wet, shampooed hair and let sit for a bit while I soaked in the tub. After about 7 minutes, I rinsed and conditioned my hair and for the first time, the orange was at bay.

I didn't have any issues with staining, but I would recommend a good rinse when you're done. I loved, LOVED that I could readily get this, apply it in the shower and not have to go through the full coloring process.

If you're a cool blonde, natural or otherwise, I really recommend this stuff to keep your color looking fresh and natural.

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes. However, the opinions above are solely my own based on my experience with them.
Tags: #JadoreDessange @DessangeParis and @Influenster